Starflake Shawl (2024)

Pattern: Stephen West’s Starflake
Yarn: Western Sky Knits Zebra Sock (Holden (light), Colleen’s Summer Storm (dark))

Method: Handknit (4mm needles)
Completed: October 4, 2024.

In July 2023, on a flight to a week-long meeting in San Francisco, I realized with horror that my travel knitting project wasn’t going to last through my whole trip. Nothing for it but to secure some more yarn and start a new project! I went to Imagiknit, and picked up the Western Sky Knits yarn that caught my eye. I worked on the starting lozenges as a travel project through that week, and then when it came time to work on the rest of the shawl, it became an “at home” project until done.

Two things that I had not done before this project: icord (cast on, bind-off, edges) and brioche stitch. Both provided interesting results. I really enjoyed the pattern, even though I managed to frustrate myself once or twice. I thought I was within a dozen rows of finishing the project when I realized I had messed up increases a dozen rows back. I banished the cats, pulled out the rows, and picked up all (approx) 600 stitches to restart from there. Managed not to drop any!

I’m pleased with the result — it’s warm, it’s pretty, and I like the colours from the yarn.

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