Golden Leaves Woven Scarf (2013)

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golden leaves woven
Pattern:  Plain Weave; warp kit from EarthGuild

  Dragon Tale Rayon Slub handpaint (warp); Dragon Tale 8/2 Rayon (weft -- doubled)
Method:  Weaving
Completed:  July 4, 2013.

This is my very first weaving project on a rigid heddle loom (Schacht Flip, 15"; used 12 dent reed).  I bought this as a kit from EarthGuild at MDS&W 2013.  Plainweave, with the 8/2 rayon weft used doubled.  Overall, I'm quite pleased with the scarf, and the kit was very nice.  Being my first project with the RH loom, there is clearly some wonkiness -- e.g., left selvedge is a bit of a write-off.  

  loungingwell dressed shrub Lounging -- indoors and outdoors

(I think) -- before and after soaking; things lined up more regularly after soaking (less gap-py).
close up -- indoorsclose up - outdoors
Left -- close up, indoors.
Right -- close up, outdoors
flappin' in the breezedraped
Hangin' around the deck...

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