Rainbow Runner (2013)

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rainbow runner
Pattern:  Plain Weave

  Rico Essentials Cotton and Cotton Print DK
Method:  Weaving
Completed:  July 18, 2013.

This is my second weaving project on a rigid heddle loom (Schacht Flip, 15"; used 10 dent reed).  Selvedge is much better than first rigid heddle project -- having learned to explicitly bring the heddle/reed back up to neutral before beating the warp (which happens naturally from the "up" position, but not so naturally from the "down" position).

I had a choice between black weft (used) or white.  White would have been more subtle, but I figured it would also wipe out the colours.  The black enhances their vibrancy.

  rainbow runner tooclose up too Lounging -- outdoors, higher contrast chair

ocean viewbright sunlight
Lounging -- outdoors, less-contrast chair (and more view)
drape 1drape too
fringipanifringipani flat
Fringing -- knotted ends.
Close up of fixed weft skipp (not perfect, but better than 3 colour floats).
in situ
                with annabellein situ, plain
In situ...  with and without centrepiece (Annabelle)
drying 1drying 2
Drying... ends not yet trimmed
alternative weftswarped On the loom -- with alternative wefts (each of the warp colours) -- note how the same-value warps annihilate the colour impression.

On the loom -- just the warp.

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